Welcome to Scalable Systems Software Laboratory

Our research areas are centered around the computer systems architecture and systems software, which is, in nature, an evolving multi-disciplinary research area encompassing computer architecture, operating system, computer networks, etc. The main research goal is to bridge the gap between applications and hardware effectively by improving the design and implementation of computer systems in terms of performance, cost, reliability, security and energy consumption. 

We are hiring!

**박사과정, 석박사통합과정, 학부인턴 모집**

We are hiring passionate and self-motivate MS and PhD students and under-graduate interns who want to pursue cutting-edge research and innovation in the area of systems software.

If you want to join S3@YONSEI, please email the professor (jinkyu [at] yonsei.ac.kr) with your CV and transcript. 


Selected Publications (see full list)



jinkyu [at] yonsei.ac.kr

대한민국 서울시 서대문구 연세로 50, 연세대학교 제4공학관 702호
50 Yonsei-ro Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 03722, Republic of Korea 
